Contact City of Cuenca Information

More valuable news about contacting the City.

Multiple options listed. For my letters I used Opción “Mi Voz – Atención Ciudadana”

Smart Phone APP is free and in my opinion easy to use but the website is not as easy.

Play Store (Android):

App Store (I phone):

Save your documents in PDF and you may send JPG and other formats BUT no word doc or docx.

You will get a ticket number of the submission. I saw these documents and ticket numbers today on the app so they have been received.

I am sharing this with everyone because the process was a bit of a challenge and my Spanish is very good.

Now you can send letters to the city about noise violations, traffic concerns, garbage issues and so much more. If you have a traffic ticket I see portals for these actions.

Traffic: You can also send a trade aimed at the Mobility Director, MGST. Diego Correa requesting attention in what manifested us, can do it through the page

I am asking/ pleading that the city revise the traffic and speed patterns on my street. So that is why I understand this process.

I hope this helps. Good luck!


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